I dedicate:

My wonderful friend Kendra is an inspiration to me, and today showed me her notebook full of quotes she has collected. After reading the dedication, I stopped and re-read it, wondering where she had found this awesome quote. Well, turns out it was her own! 

“I dedicate this notebook to profound thoughts, revolutionary ideas, entrepreneurial inventions, words of wisdom, sacred memories, and enlightenment from God.”

Friends, let’s live on the edge of our seats ready to jump at the moment when we encounter those profound thoughts, revolutionary ideas, words of wisdom, and enlightenment from God. What would happen if we dedicated our lives to doing more than simply experiencing and recording these ideas, but turning them into something more, something great. Each thought, idea, piece of wisdom that you encounter, combined with the memories that make you you, have the potential to impact the world like never before. 

So believe in yourself, in who God has made you, and write down the awesome in your life. Then at the right time, when the Spirit calls you, share it with the world. 

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